Manufacturers of Quality Confectionary for over 70 years


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Decorations & Inclusions

New Additions to our


Home Baking

Fun Mix

Rocky Road Mix

Home Baking

New Additions to our


Dark, Milk and White

Chocolate Flavoured Chips

Chocolate & Coatings

The UK’s only independent chocolate manufacturer producing bulk liquid, bars, buttons, drops, chips, chunks and many more variants...

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Fondant & Icing

The UK’s only fondant manufacturer

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Special Recipe

Freeze & Thaw

Roll out


Nut Free Marzipan

Standard Recipe


Pictures are serving suggestions

Fudgey Fudge Fondant

NEW Recipe

Standard Recipe

High Sugar

Decorations & Inclusions

We have a wide range of confectionary and chocolate for use as inclusions or decorations in bakery and desserts.

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We use natural colours and agents when and wherever possible.

Britannia Superfine

Sugar Range

Granulated, Caster, Icing, Demerara and Soft Sugars in retail, catering and insustrial formats and pack sizes.

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Services we offer

As well as Britannia Brand, we also offer our services to those needing own label, contract manufacturing and contract packing.

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Britannia Superfine


Hot Choc includes the use of a foil tray that you simply empty a sachet of specifically developed chocolate drops into before heating on the barbeque. Then, after just 45 seconds, you have a chocolate fondue for dipping marsh mallows (included), strawberries, mini donuts as you wish, staying alfresco and not having to boil water, use the microwave or clean up a chocolate fountain.

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Our home in Polegate

• A 27 acre site, our home since 1986

• Over 40 manufacturing/packing lines

• BRC Grade A+ certified

• Nut free and gluten free

• Over 60% (roof space) solar dedicated, generating 500k kwh per annum

• Carbon footprint reduction 1.15tonnes per annum

• Britannia have utilised all South facing roof space to install a total of 1,608 solar panels. Each panel is individually optimised to give us accurate data in real time. The system is estimated to generate 500,000 KWH and reduces our Carbon footprint by 200,000 kg’s per annum. Increasing our Green energy credentials are the highest priority and we have installed over 100 LED lights, including the overhaul of existing equipment to incorporate the latest standards of energy efficiency and energy optimisation.

Our Quality Commitment and Certifications

We are dedicated to delivering products that adhere to the highest standard of safety, hygiene and quality.

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We also hold recognisable certifications, important to you as our customers and important to us.